Our employees are protected under these terms and conditions; however our staff do not have the authority to make any promises on our behalf or change any of these terms and conditions.
By agreeing to use World-Class Hounds Pet Transport you are agreeing to accept ALL the conditions of carriage detailed below without exception and agree that World-Class Hounds decisions are final and are made in the best interest of the animal and its welfare.
You also agree that any act or omission from the airline, delays, cancellations, financial claims resulting from the aforementioned instances or restricted services are not in any way held against World-Class Hounds, its agents or employees.
World-Class Hounds gives all pets high level attention and care, they are handled with the understanding that World-Class Hounds staff, agents, kennels and veterinarians are at no time to be held responsible for loss, death, illness, injury or accident due to any cause, either natural or accidental outside its own control.
All road/pet taxi services are quoted based on a Monday-Friday 0900–1800 service delivery unless otherwise requested at time of quotation. Any alteration to services may result in out of hours and/or weekend charges being applied to your booking.
All flight services are quoted based on direct owner/carer/breeder lodgment and collection to/from the quoted airports, excluding any World-Class Hounds staff services of collection/delivery unless otherwise stated.
World-Class Hounds is limited by the availability of pet spaces on flights, airport staffing levels to handle animals, public holiday/weekend/out of hours airport closures and other restrictions imposed by airlines in the ability to book your pets flight.
Due to restricted service availability, your preferred date may not be available. Quotes are not based on date provided unless otherwise stated.
By agreeing to transport your pet by road or by air you understand and accept the risk of your pet becoming stressed during transport. You also agree that any financial claims resulting from the aforementioned instances are not in any way held against World-Class Hounds, its employees or agents.
World-Class Hounds reserves the right to refuse handling of reactive, aggressive, fearful animals or pets expressing symptoms of disease that may impact their ability to travel.
Insurance for pets while in kennels or during airline travel are not included in the quoted charges and are the responsibility of the owner.
All Quotes are valid for a maximum period of 30 days from issue and based on current tariffs at time of quotation. Freight tariffs are subject to increase without prior notification from the airlines and clients accept these changes will be billed to their account.
Quotes are calculated based on information provided by the owner/representative, based on the height/length and weight of the pet or carrier. Increases to the size/weight of the pet or carrier will incur additional charges at the owner's expense.
Payment in full is required at time of booking or flights/pet taxi/road transport will not be secure. Payments are required to be made via Credit Card or direct deposit (with receipt emailed)
World-Class Hounds reserves the right to charge a processing fee for all payments made by Credit Card. These fees are clearly outlined during online payment.
In the case of an approved company booking/settling costs, World-Class Hounds requires a Purchase Order/letter accepting quotation and proceeding with shipment of pets.
For booking cancellations greater than fourteen (14) days from the animals scheduled travel date, one hundred percent (100%) of the quoted payment received (excluding non-refundable deposits and fees) will be provided as a credit for future use with World-Class Hounds.
For booking cancellations fourteen (14) days or less from the animals scheduled travel date and prior to 2 business days prior to transport, fifty percent (50%) of the quoted payment received (excluding non-refundable deposits and booking fees) will be provided as a credit for future use with World-Class Hounds.
For bookings canceled within 2 business days or missed eg; flights, pet taxi, road transport, no refund or credit will be provided by World-Class Hounds.
Any refund payable by World-Class Hounds Pet Transport will be made within 14 days from the date of confirmation of the refund account.
World-Class Hounds cannot be held responsible for flight cancellations, flight delays, change of aircraft type/capacity, incorrect routing or loss of documentation. All additional charges for World-Class Hounds providing welfare services in the above circumstances will be added to the client’s account.
Amendments to bookings made after information has been received will incur a $25 Amendment fee plus additional flight costs. Amendments made within 7 days of originally booked departure date will incur a $100 Amendment fee plus additional flight/travel costs.
Amendments to bookings will only be accepted up to 24 hours prior to departure (excluding weekends and public holidays)
Pets traveling between 8 and 12 weeks of age require a Veterinary Certificate stating breed, date of birth/age of pet and to specifically state the animal is ‘Fit to Fly’. All certificates must be printed on a veterinary letterhead and signed/dated to within 14 days of departure.
Pets traveling over 12 years of age require a Veterinary Certificate stating breed, date of birth/age of pet and to specifically state the animal is ‘Fit to Fly’. All certificates must be printed on a veterinary letterhead and signed/dated to within 14 days of departure.
Brachycephalic pets require a Brachycephalic Fit to Fly Certificate to be performed by an Australian Veterinary Association member Veterinarian within 14 days of flight departure. World-Class Hounds recommends certificates to be done within 7 days. Digital copies must be provided prior to departure.
World-Class Hounds will not accept pets that have been sedated for travel by road or air. Pet’s that are not declared sedated/pharmaceutically medicated with the specific purpose of sedation/calmative action will negate all responsibility World-Class Hounds hold for the health and welfare of your pet.
Pets that are injured, have long term medical conditions, pregnant or have had surgery/medical procedures performed, World-Class Hounds require a medical certificate stating the pet is Fit to Fly/Travel. This certificate must be issued by a registered veterinary practitioner and provided on a veterinary letterhead within 7 days of flight.
Pets that are injured, have long term medical conditions, pregnant or have had surgery/medical procedures performed and not provided a Fit to Fly certificate within 7 days of travel are at the total risk and responsibility of the owner.
World-Class Hounds does not recommend or condone the use of sedatives during pet travel domestically or internationally. If the pet is on a long term prescription medication that has a sedative effect World-Class Hounds must be notified in writing by the client's veterinarian of the medication and that the pet is Fit to Fly. World-Class Hounds will not be responsible for overdose, side effects, injury or death of any pet provided with pharmaceutical/natural or other sedative/calmative/’calm’ compounds.
Owners accept that by requesting World-Class Hounds to provide transport for the pet that any animal can become stressed and chew or damage themselves on their crates.
By agreeing to transport your pet by road or by air you accept and understand the risk of your pet becoming stressed and you also agree that any financial claims resulting from the aforementioned instances are not in any way held against World-Class Hounds, its employees, agents and subcontractors.
World-Class Hounds are bound by federal and state law in the movement of native and exotic animals. Permits required for the transfer of these species domestically will be requested to be provided to proceed with booking, and are the responsibility of the client to obtain. Clients understand that movement of exotic and native species are at the discretion of the airlines to approve or deny carriage.
Pets that are considered Brachycephalic/Snub Nose will fly at the total risk of the owner/sender/purchaser. If the flight time is over 5 hours World-Class Hounds has the right to refuse booking. World-Class Hounds also reserves the right to choose flight time/date for Brachycephalic Pets in the interest of animal welfare and World-Class Hounds contractual agreement with Virgin and Qantas.
World-Class Hounds hold no responsibility for your pet failing/not being deemed fit for air travel. Cancellation or rebooking fees will apply. Pets denied carriage on the day of flight will not be refunded and additional fees may apply.
Pets that weigh more than the weight provided for the quotation by 2kg will be additionally charged by World-Class Hounds. You authorise and agree to World-Class Hounds taking payment for these additional charges from your nominated card.
Clients that wish to provide their own crate for transport agree their crate complies with current IATA requirements for pet transport, in both size and condition.
If a client provided crate is denied by the airline on the day of travel, all additional charges, fees and costs in order to proceed with your pets transport will be payable and no returns/refunds will be issued. World-Class Hounds will not be liable for subsequent flight changes, cancellations and delays. Fees associated with providing alternative crates, flight changes, comfort stops and other services will be at the clients expense. World-Class Hounds will not be responsible for care or transport of the client's crate.
Hire Crate destruction/damage/theft compensation to World-Class Hounds will be at the expense of the client.
Airline Approved hire crates when requested and paid for by the client will be provided by World-Class Hounds. All hire crates remain the property of World-Class Hounds.
Biosecurity Regulations and clearances for some states/territories across Australia must be adhered to. It is the responsibility of the client to ensure all documentation and compliance is completed in line with the requirements. World-Class Hounds will not be held responsible for any fees, fines, delays, detention or additional charges.
The client agrees their pet is free of ticks, fleas and has been vaccinated with a C5 for over 12 week old dogs and F3 for cats. Proof of current vaccination status must be provided prior to boarding, no more then 12 months and no less the 14 days prior to boarding.
The client gives World-Class Hounds full authority to call a veterinarian in case of injury or illness, and understand that all costs associated will be at the clients expense.
World-Class Hounds will make every effort to ensure all of my pet/s belongings are kept with my pet/s during their stay, I understand that they accept no responsibility for items left, misplaced, lost or in lesser condition then they were left.
Clients have, to their full knowledge, disclosed all health concerns, special needs and behavioral issues in regards to all of the pet/s.
All boarding costs whilst in kennels are to the client’s account. Animals staying for long or indefinite periods must have the account settled monthly in advance.
Should departure dates be delayed, extra kenneling costs are to the client’s account, and must be settled prior to the departure of pets.
In the case where an approved company will be settling costs, we require a written company purchase order or letter accepting our quotation prior to shipment of pets.
Clients are responsible for administering flea/tick control and worming prior to your pets stay. Occasionally we may be required to administer treatments to ensure your pets are healthy during their stay. Please note that such items will be payable upon collection of your pet(s), and will only be done if World-Class Hounds deems it completely necessary. The facility will not be held accountable if any problems arise from these treatments. If no flea/tick protection has been administered to a pet by the owner, World-Class Hounds has the right to refuse animals for boarding until such time as the treatment has additional been given; these treatments are available directly at check-in. Clients must be aware that even though World-Class Hounds takes all due care regarding the prevention and treatment of paralysis ticks, it is not possible to guarantee that these instances will not occur. World-Class Hounds does not take any responsibility in the instance that a pet suffers from tick poisoning, even if sufficient treatment has been administered
I acknowledge that while World-Class Hounds will take reasonable care, they cannot be held responsible for injury, death, loss or damage of any kind whatsoever that may occur to any pet this includes kennel cough and the like.
I agree that in the event of arrears or after due notice in writing, World-Class Hounds shall have the right to depose of animal(s) and this shall not release me from liability for any unpaid fees or charges. In the event of suspected abandonment, World-Class Hounds will attempt to make contact for a two week period before taking appropriate steps to re-home the animals.
World-Class Hounds is not liable to the shipper, consignee, any third party, or any other person having an interest in the cargo intort or contract or bailment or otherwise for any, and the consequences of any, delay in collection of cargo or loss of or damage to or deterioration of cargo or miss delivery or failure to deliver or delay in delivery of cargo for any reason whatsoever including, without limiting the foregoing, the negligence or breach of contract, statutory duty or willful act or default of the carrier whether or not the same occurs in the course of performance by or on behalf of the carrier under this contract or in events which are in the contemplation of carrier and/or shipper or in events which are foreseeable by them or either of them or in events which may constitute a fundamental breach of contract or a breach of a fundamental term.
World-Class Hounds recommends that any pet documents are NOT attached to crates when being transported as World-Class Hounds accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage incurred.
World-Class Hounds cannot be held responsible for airline delays, cancellation of flights, incorrect routing, miss loading, not loading the pets by the airlines or its handling agents, change of aircraft type ‘which then delays your pets transport’ or available capacity by airlines, or loss of veterinary documents by airlines.
Any times provided by World-Class Hounds for pick up or delivery of animals are estimates only.
Whilst we do go to great lengths to ensure we can maintain an appropriate timetable it is inevitable that at times we will be required to make alterations to our timetable due to the volume of bookings, traffic and weather conditions, mechanical breakdowns or any other reason beyond our control.
We accept no liability for any loss, cost or inconvenience suffered by any party as a result of any alteration to our timetable or that of the airline used.
Puppies and kittens under 8 weeks of age are not permitted to be transported via road, air or any other means.
American Staffordshire Terriers will only be accepted in a CR-82 reinforced cage or an airline-approved guard dog cage. The CR-82 type cage is specially reinforced to prevent the dog from breaking out, and therefore reduce incidents relating to aircraft damage or injury to the dog itself.
Breeds classified as Dangerous Animals by the Australian Government and deemed prohibited to import are not accepted under any circumstances. These breeds are: Pit Bull Terrier; American Pit Bull; Dogo Argentino; Japanese Tosa; Brazilian Fila; Brazilian Mastiff; and Presa Canario.
Our employees are protected under these terms and conditions; however our staff do not have the authority to make any promises on our behalf or change any of these terms and conditions.
By agreeing to use World-Class Hounds Pet Transport you are agreeing to accept ALL the conditions of carriage detailed below without exception and agree that World-Class Hounds decisions are final and are made in the best interest of the animal and its welfare.
You also agree that any act or omission from the airline, delays, cancellations, financial claims resulting from the aforementioned instances or restricted services are not in any way held against World-Class Hounds, its agents or employees.
World-Class Hounds gives all pets high level attention and care, they are handled with the understanding that World-Class Hounds staff, agents, kennels and veterinarians are at no time to be held responsible for loss, death, illness, injury or accident due to any cause, either natural or accidental outside its own control.
All road/pet taxi services are quoted based on a Monday-Friday 0900–1800 service delivery unless otherwise requested at time of quotation. Any alteration to services may result in out of hours and/or weekend charges being applied to your booking.
All flight services are quoted based on direct owner/carer/breeder lodgment and collection to/from the quoted airports, excluding any World-Class Hounds staff services of collection/delivery unless otherwise stated.
World-Class Hounds is limited by the availability of pet spaces on flights, airport staffing levels to handle animals, public holiday/weekend/out of hours airport closures and other restrictions imposed by airlines in the ability to book your pets flight.
Due to restricted service availability, your preferred date may not be available. Quotes are not based on date provided unless otherwise stated.
By agreeing to transport your pet by road or by air you understand and accept the risk of your pet becoming stressed during transport. You also agree that any financial claims resulting from the aforementioned instances are not in any way held against World-Class Hounds, its employees or agents.
World-Class Hounds reserves the right to refuse handling of reactive, aggressive, fearful animals or pets expressing symptoms of disease that may impact their ability to travel.
Insurance for pets while in kennels or during airline travel are not included in the quoted charges and are the responsibility of the owner.
All Quotes are valid for a maximum period of 30 days from issue and based on current tariffs at time of quotation. Freight tariffs are subject to increase without prior notification from the airlines and Clients accept these changes will be billed to their account. Increases can include within the 30 day quotation period.
Quotes are calculated based on information provided by the owner/representative, based on the height/length and weight of the pet or carrier. Increases to the size/weight of the pet or carrier will incur additional charges at the owner's expense.
Quotes do not include customs clearance fees, taxes or airline handling charges at countries of arrival (unless otherwise specified in your quote)
Quotes are based on timelines that comply with current government regulations.
Payment in full is required at time of booking/invoice or all invoiced services will not be secure. Payments are required to be made via Credit Card or direct deposit (with receipt emailed)
World-Class Hounds reserves the right to charge a processing fee for all payments made by Credit Card. These fees are clearly outlined during online payment.
In the case of an approved company booking/settling costs, World-Class Hounds requires a Purchase Order/letter accepting quotation and proceeding with shipment of pets.
For all international bookings a non refundable deposit will be required to be paid at time of confirming your booking request.
For all international services, invoices for services must be paid in full before services to be rendered. World-Class Hounds accepts no responsibility for delayed Client payment of invoices causing further charges or delays in permits, bookings, treatments, import/export date and boarding.
Export services must be paid in full 30 days or more in advance of the date of export, unless otherwise arranged. World-Class Hounds will not make any travel arrangements until full payment is received. If payment is not received, World-Class Hounds has the right to cancel any bookings made on behalf of the Client, and the Client will indemnify World-Class Hounds for any costs incurred.
Export Services booked within 30 days of departure will incur a minimum additional administration fee of $250 plus additional service charges as required.
International Boarding must be paid, and remain paid, a minimum of one month in advance.
World-Class Hounds is not responsible for additional charges and/or delays due to circumstances beyond the control and management of World-Class Hounds. The Client acknowledges that these possibilities may arise and they are liable for all additional fees due to these circumstances. These include, but are not limited to;
Pets failure of required testing/procedures resulting in additional boarding/veterinary fees and delayed/canceled travel;
Failure of external parties to adhere to requested timelines;
Failure of external parties to provide requested information in a timely manner or at all;
Failure of external parties to complete veterinary/government requirements;
Failure of external parties to follow provided instructions/timelines and other requests;
Failure of external parties to communicate with World-Class Hounds;
External Parties being understood as parties involved in the control, care, shipping, boarding, etc of your pet not engaged directly by World-Class Hounds for the purposes of your pets international services.
For booking cancellations greater than fourteen (14) days from the animals scheduled travel date, one hundred percent (100%) of the quoted payment received (excluding non-refundable deposits, services rendered and fees) will be provided as a credit for future use with World-Class Hounds.
For booking cancellations fourteen (14) days or less from the animals scheduled travel date and prior to 3 business days prior to transport, fifty percent (50%) of the quoted payment received (excluding non-refundable deposits, services rendered and fees) will be provided as a credit for future use with World-Class Hounds.
For bookings canceled within 3 business days or missed eg; flights, pet taxi, road transport, no refund or credit will be provided by World-Class Hounds.
Amendment requests up to 3 weeks prior to international travel will be made free of charge. Subsequent requests up to 3 weeks prior to international travel will incur a $50 amendment fee plus all charges and costs associated with treatment, re-treatment, permits and transport/boarding. Amendment requests made within 3 weeks of date of international travel, a $250 amendment fee amendment fee plus all charges and costs associated with treatment, re-treatment, permits and transport/boarding.
Any refund payable by World-Class Hounds Pet Transport will be made within 14 days from the date of confirmation of the refund account.
Please note; World-Class Hounds Pet Transport reserves the right to update quotations prior to booking if there are any changes to Airline, Veterinary or Government fees during the validity period of the quote.
World-Class Hounds may subcontract any of the Services to third party contractors with prior consent of the Client.
World-Class Hounds does not offer international hire crates. All pets must travel in IATA approved purchase crates to and from Australia. All quotes that request a crate will include a Purchase Crate for travel.
Clients have the option to purchase or provide their own IATA approved travel crate for services engaged with World-Class Hounds. Crates must comply with IATA travel specifications. Any faults/failures of the owner provided crate causing delay or refusal of travel come at the total expense and risk of the Client.
All pets that require boarding services must have valid and current vaccination in order to board. Vaccination requirements at a minimum are C5 for dogs and C3 for cats, additional requirements will depend on country of boarding. Vaccination certificates must be produced in order for the boarding booking to be valid. Booster vaccinations must be done a minimum 14 days prior to entry into the facility. It remains the Client’s responsibility to ensure all vaccinations and other parasite treatment is up to date prior to entry (unless otherwise arranged with World-Class Hounds).
Clients understand the validity of C5 for dogs, C3 for cats and rabies for both species is 12 months from date of last vaccination.
While World-Class Hounds will make every effort to ensure pets belongings are kept with client’s pets during their stay, clients understand we accept no responsibility for items left, misplaced, lost or in lesser condition than when they were left.
Clients agree that in the event of arrears or after due notice in writing, World-Class Hounds has the right to dispose of the animal(s) and this shall not release the client from liability of any unpaid fees/charges. In the event of suspected abandonment, World-Class Hounds will attempt to make contact for two weeks before taking appropriate action to rehome the animal(s).
Clients acknowledge that World-Class Hounds will take all reasonable care they will not be held liable for damages, injury, loss, disease or death that may occur to any pet while in boarding.
Clients acknowledge they have disclosed all health concerns, behavioral issues and special needs of their pets to the best of their knowledge.
Clients accept that additional services such as veterinary care, grooming, administration of medication/parasite treatment, behavioral/obedience training, showing and other such activities are not inclusive of standard boarding charges. These charges are to be requested in writing and will be invoiced to the client accordingly.
World-Class Hounds may take photos and videos of your pet(s) during their stay. Clients hereby grant World-Class Hounds permission to use their pet(s) likeness in a video, photograph, digital media and in any/all of it’s online and printed publications, without payment or other consideration.
World-Class Hounds may be required to administer treatment for tick/fleas while your pet is in boarding to ensure your pet(s) remain healthy during their stay. Necessity of application will be decided at the discretion of the boarding facility and will be payable in the clients next boarding billing cycle. Clients must be aware that all due care to the prevention and treatment of external parasites is taken, it is not possible to guarantee these instances cannot occur. World-Class Hounds does not take responsibility for instances of external parasites or tick poisoning, even if the administration of sufficient treatment has been performed.